The Merrymaker Sisters’ Healthy Double Chocolate Mousse Cake

Our friends, the Merrymaker Sisters, have made us the most amazing Double Chocolate Mousse Cake.  They used MyOrganics ingredients to create their latest recipe and the best news is it’s HEALTHY!  Here’s the recipe…


2 cups MyOrganics Blanched Almond Meal

1/3 cup MyOrganics Raw Cacao Powder

1/2 tsp. baking powder

pink of salt

150 g (5.3 oz.) butter softened

1/2 cup rice malt syrup or honey

1/2 cup coconut milk (canned)

4 eggs

2 tsp. 100% vanilla extract



2 cups MyOrganics Raw Cashews (soaked in water for at least 2 hours, then drained)

1 cup MyOrganics Raw Cacao Powder

1 cup coconut milk (canned)

1/2 avocado

1/3 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup rice malt syrup or honey

1 tsp. 100% vanilla extract

pinch of salt

Plus MyOrganics Flaked Almonds and Cacao Nibs for decoration.



1.       Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F) and line a 20 x 20 cm (8 inch) spring form cake tin with baking paper.

2.       Start with the baked cake. In a large bowl add the almond meal, cacao, baking powder and salt, mix well.

3.       In your blender or mix master, whiz the coconut milk, rice malt syrup, butter, eggs and vanilla until smooth. It may curdle a little and this is totes ok. You didn’t ruin it!

4.       Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix until well combined.

5.       Transfer the batter into the cake tin and shake to even out.

6.       Place into the oven for 25 minutes or until cooked through.

7.       Allow to cool inside the tin.

8.       Now for the mousse! Place all ingredients into your blender and mix until super dooper smooth. It will take around 5 minutes.

9.       Transfer the mousse on to the cooled baked cake and place into the freezer for 2 hours (or until set).

10.   When ready to eat, run a hot knife around the edge of the tin and release the spring form slowly. We topped our cake with fresh strawberries, cacao nibs, flaked almonds and a drizzle of melted sugar free chocolate.