We’re nuts for nuts!

Nuts are a great option for all times of the day. Pop them on top of your cereal, use them in baking, toss them through salads, or just eat them as is.

Not only are they great for you, you can enjoy them with friends, share them with the family or eat them on the go.

Nuts are a nutrient powerhouse. They are a great source protein and of healthy fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats). Healthy fat is important for hormone production, and cardiovascular health, just to name a few. They are also a source of fibre (good for gut health), and provide plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Vitamins and minerals keep the wheels turning, they are part of functions all over the body like metabolism, carrying oxygen around our body and brain function!

Each nut contains different combination of all of these great things. So, spice your life up and eat a variety of nuts!

  • Almonds: protein, calcium and vitamin E
  • Brazil nuts: fibre and selenium: just two brazil nuts a day provides 100% RDI for selenium for an adult
  • Cashews: non haem (plant based) iron and a low GI rating
  • Chestnuts: low GI, fibre and vitamin C (although much vitamin C is lost during cooking)
  • Hazelnuts: fibre, potassium, folate, vitamin E
  • Macadamias: highest in monounsaturated fats, thiamine and manganese
  • Pecans: fibre and antioxidants
  • Pine nuts: vitamin E and the arginine amino acid
  • Pistachios: protein, potassium, plant sterols and the antioxidant resveratrol
  • Walnuts: alpha linoleic acid: plant omega 3 and antioxidants

(Nutrition Australia, 2014)

A healthy daily intake of nuts is 30g (a small handful) or approximately:

  • 20 almonds
  • 15 cashews
  • 20 hazelnuts
  • 15 macadamias
  • 15 pecans
  • 2 tablespoons of pine nuts
  • 30 pistachio kernels
  • 9 walnut kernels
  • a small handful of mixed nuts or about two of each of the ten nut varieties (except chestnut which isn’t eaten raw)

(Nutrition Australia, 2014)

Eat them raw or roasted, and get all of the amazing nutrients to keep your amazing self going. (Insert brand name) has an amazing range of nuts that you can purchase in bulk or in ready-packaged, on the go snack portions!


Written by:

Naomi Fitzpatrick

Nutritionist and Student Dietitian

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